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News From 5/17/10 Meeting

Dear Parents,

Our main focus at this last meeting was fundraisers to help send two teachers to the National Association for Gifted Children Convention in Atlanta on November 14th. We need to raise $1500 for two teachers.This would be an awesome experience for our teachers. At the convention they will be able to learn new methods and ideas, find out about new technologies and aids, and network with leaders in the gifted education field and other instructors from around the country. It's a great way to boost motivation and get more ideas flowing into the classroom. We can't help but be excited the convention is being held in-state this year!

During the gifted students' summer camp at HCMS, June 1-4, we will be holding two fundraisers. The first will need volunteers to accept donations during the morning drop-off and/or afternoon pick-up. We need volunteers to be able to be there at 7:30 am or 12:30 pm.

The second fundraiser will during the camp hours. We will be selling snacks and drinks during snack time for a small fee. Again, we would really appreciate some extra volunteers. We already have members looking into having the drinks and snacks donated, but any additional information would be wonderful.

Most of us will be picking up/dropping off our children anyway, so arriving a little early one day in the morning or afternoon to help out would mean so much. I hate to continue to rely on just a few parents.

Additionally, on June 14th we will be holding a planning meeting for a spaghetti dinner tentatively set for the first Friday of the school year. We thought it would be a good idea for that week, as we could have prepared dinners for hectic parents and families to pick-up as well as sit down to. But we need people. We need planning.

We will need
  • everyone's help to sell tickets
  • volunteers to cook
  • volunteers to serve
  • volunteers to clean-up
  • donated food and drinks
  • a place to hold the event
You are welcome to volunteer in more than one area, and it would be great to have the kids be some of the volunteers!

I can't stress enough how much participation is needed to get these events off the ground. We have already achieved some of our small goals this year. We can't reach the bigger ones if we don't grow. Please take a minute to reply to this email, and let us know we can count on you. The more work we can divide, the less work it is on any one individual.

Thank you,

Haralson County Gifted Association


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